FSMs, Synchronous Digital Systems
FSM: Finite State Machine
state transition diagram
- s0 初始状态;input/output;箭头指向是 next state
clock and registers
- 时钟上升沿;Q = D,其余时刻什么也不做
register delay
- clk-to-q delay
- Registers can’t transfer the D input to Q output instantly
- clk-to-q delay: Time it takes after the rising edge for the Q output to change
register constraints
setup time
- Setup time: Time before rising edge when the D input must be stable
hold time
- D input cannot change before this, so the register can read a stable value.
maximizing clock frequency
Clock period ≥ clk-to-q delay + longest combinational delay + setup time
Hold time ≤ clk-to-q delay + shortest combinational delay
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